Types Of Office Smells You Should Fix – Find Out!

A good smelling office has a profound impact on your brand’s reputation & it stays forever in your heart. So, how does your office smell? Not sure? Gross? Heavy chemicals? Whatever it is, make sure your office gives out good vibes. From house to the office, every nook & corner gives us smells & we get used to them. So, when it comes to office, you must inquire that the commercial cleaning provider you hired uses good-smelling fragrances to clean the office surface. From kitchen to bathrooms, sinks and cafeteria, each should be cleaned, sanitised properly and ensure that nothing is left untreated. And If it smells good, it’s not a problem, but when it’s unpleasant, it needs your attention. Let’s check what makes your office smell bad & what you can do about it.


Cafeteria is the breeding spot of germs, bacteria and musty smell. Whether it’s the sticky mess in the microwave or overflowing bins, uncleaned food particles, abandoned food items in the fridge may cause long-lingering odour in the kitchen & cafeteria. These may trigger allergies and can make people ill. So while hiring office cleaning Gold Coast services, make sure to address these issues efficiently.

Kitchen Sinks

Your office kitchen sinks are also the reason behind a filthy smell is that all sorts of things get chucked there. From teabags to food remains oil, dirt and soap residue all mix and form an unpleasant smell. So, ask your office cleaners to clean the sinks deeply & ensure it is mess-free. Once it is stagnant-free, you’ll notice a difference.


If the smell comes from below, it might be the dirty carpets. When your carpets produce a musty or mould smell, it’s time to hire carpet cleaners to clean up the carpets to relieve the office from being stuffy indoors and smell. Once the carpets are cleaned by commercial cleaners Gold Coast, your office will have a refreshing atmosphere.

Things like overflowing bins, toilets, undusted upholstery, closed server rooms can also lead to smells that are unpleasant & demand cleaning too. So while hiring commercial cleaning services, add these areas to the cleaning checklist with sanitisation services.

If you’re planning to hire commercial cleaning services, hire Commercial Clean Gold Coast on 1300 799 350.